Your roof protects your family and belongings, and knowing when it needs to be replaced is important. Most homeowners don’t see the warning signs until it is too late. To prevent a critical situation, look for indicators of a deficient roof. Here are the signs you need a new roof.

When was the roof last replaced?

Simply checking existing records can reveal a lot about your roof’s longevity. If you are able to find information about the property, look for anything relating to the roof. If, for example, your roof was replaced 25 years ago, schedule a replacement soon because the average lifespan of a typical roof is 20 years.

Check the Attic

A roof that looks great from the outside might be hiding issues that can only be seen from the interior. Inspect your attic for any leaks, stains, or holes letting light in. If you discover any of these issues, you should replace your roof as soon as possible.

You Need a New Roof if It is Rotting

Another obvious sign that you need a new roof is if it’s rotting. Check whether the roof is saggy or leaning in one direction. If so, this is a real problem. Rotting roofs also come with signs of moisture damage like stains or mold in the attic.

Growth on the Roof

If you see moss or plants growing on your roof, it may be a sign that you need a new roof. Depending on the extent of the plant growth, you might only have to do a simple repair.

Mold and fungi thrive in moist areas in the damp parts of your roof. Sometimes, proper cleaning will do the trick to keep these plants away, but in case of serious damage, a roof replacement is recommended.

Inspect the Shingles

Even though you may not have all the equipment to do a thorough roof inspection, it’s still possible to determine the overall condition of your roof by looking at the shingles. Look for any cracks or buckles in the shingles, indicating damage. If you discover shingle granules in the gutters, the shingles are shedding and won’t effectively protect your home.

A Damaged Flashing System May Mean You Need a New Roof

Flashing seals the areas around the chimney and vents. If you notice any breaks or cracks in the flashing, it is time to repair or replace your roof. If you do, this would also be a good time to switch to a metal flashing system.

Anderson Home Inspections provides home inspection services to Central Ohio. Contact us to make an appointment.